Federal Agencies and Offices with Aviation Education Representatives
FAA-Aviation Education DOT Hq. BLDG. Plaza 100 Washington, DC 20590 Tel: 781-238-7378 Fax: 781-238-7380 Shelia Bauer, National Aviation Education Program Manager
FAA Education Representative Aviation Education Division 400 7th Street, SW DOT/NASSIF, Room PL-100 Washington, DC 20590 Tel: 202-366-7500 Fax: 202-266-3786 Mr. Terry White
Office of Training & Higher Education FAA ECU-Aeronautical Center P.O. Box 25082 Room 356, Headquarters Bldg. Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Tel: 405-954-7500 Fax: 405-954-4551 Mr. Robert Hoppers, AMC-5
FAA EDU-Technical Center Atlantic City International Airport Human Resource Management Division Atlantic City, NJ 08405 Tel: 609-485-6626 Fax: 609-485-4391 Ms. Carleen Genna, ACM-120
FAA Education Representative--Alaskan Region 222 West 7th Avenue Box 14 Anchorage, AK 99513-7587 Tel: 907-271-5293 Fax: 907-276-7261 Ms. Marsha Brown Education Representative
FAA Education Representative--Central Region 901 Locust, Room 106 Kansas City, MO 64106 Tel: 816-329-2420 Ms. Stephanie J. Webb Aviation Education Program Manager, ACE-3W
FAA Education Representative--Eastern Region JFK International Airport Federal Building #111 Jamaica, NY 11430 Tel: 718-553-3363 Fax: 718-553-0058 Ms. Mary Ann Poindexter Education Representative
FAA Education Representative--Great Lakes Region O'Hare Lake Office Center 2300 East Devon Avenue Des Plaines, IL 60018 Tel: 708-294-7042 Fax: 708-294-7642 Mr. Lee Carlson Education Representative
FAA Education Representative--New England Region 12 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 01803 Tel: 617-238-7378 Fax: 617-238-7380 Ms. Sheila Bauer Education Representative
FAA Education Representative--Northwest Mountain Region 1601 Lind Avenue, SW Renton, WA 98056 Tel: 206-227-2079 Fax: 206-227-1010 Ms. Mary Syslo-Seel Education Representative
FAA Education Representative--Southern Region 1701 Columbia Avenue College Park, GA 30337 Tel: 404-305-5310 Fax: 404-305-5312 Ms. Opal Neely Education Representative
FAA Education Representative--Southwest Region Ft. Worth, TX Tel: Fax: Ms. Debra Myers Education Representative
FAA Education Representative--Western-Pacific Region P.O. Box 92007 Worldway Postal Center Los Angeles, CA 90009 Tel: 310-297-0556 Fax: 310-297-0706 Mr. Hank Verbais Education Representative
Federal Aviation Administration/System Safety 400 7th Street, SW (ASY-20) Washington, DC 20590 Tel: 202-366-6433 Fax: 202-366-7083 Ms. Felice Brunner Program Coordinator FAA Education Representative
Center for Management Development 4500 Palm Coast Parkway, SE Palm Coast, FL 32137 Tel: 904-446-7126 Fax: 904-446-7201 Mr. Larry Hedman, CMD-373
NASA 600 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20546 Tel: 202-453-2693 Fax: 202-426-4256 Mr. Daniel Golden Administrator
National Weather Service Room 10A26 819 Taylor Street Ft. Worth, TX 76102 Tel: 817-334-2654 Fax: 817-334-3872 Mr. Stephen Brown Rep
USAF-Material Command-Aeronautical Systems Center Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, OH 45433-6503 Tel: 513-255-3334 Fax: Mr. Patrick C. Mullaney Public Affairs Officer
U.S. Army-Aviation and Troop Command 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard St. Louis, MO 61320-1798 Tel: 314-236-1464 Fax: 314-263-1242
U.S. Department of Commerce Office of Aerospace 14 St. & Constitution Avenue, NW Room 2128 Washington, DC 20230 Tel: 202-482-2835 Fax: 202-482-3113 Ms. Sally Bath Director
U.S. Navy-Naval Air Systems Command Jefferson Plaza 1 Washington, DC 20361-0001 Tel: 262-639-2260