Bulletin 0002
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NASEA Bulletin 0002  February 2000
Invitation to Third Annual Organizational Meeting
Thursday March 16, 2000       5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
National Congress for Aviation and Space Education (NCASE)

Dear Member Councils and other Friends of Aviation and Space Education,

As we noted in our last email broadcast, we are pleased to announce the 2000 annual membership meeting of the National Aviation and Space Education Alliance (NASEA) and to invite you and your group to participate.  As with last year, the meeting will be held during the annual National Congress for Aviation and Space Education, hosted by the Civil Air Patrol.  This year NCASE will be held in San Diego.

NASEA was created to support aviation and space education groups, especially the various statewide councils.  The emphasis is on improving communications and cooperation among such groups by providing useful information and resources directly and through our website.  Our special goals include helping groups fund local educational activities such as ACE camps and other such events and supporting educators who wish to bring aerospace education into the classroom. Websites are available for state councils that need them, too. 

Our annual meeting will serve as an opportunity to hear about the activities of many of the state councils, meet representatives of them, elect three directors, and indicate the most pressing priorities to be addressed as we move forward.  

We have previously mailed all known state councils a printed copy of our website in the form of a booklet which more fully explains our objectives.  For a review, log on the site itself at www.nasea.org.    For those who are not yet members we include an application form on the site.  Note that at this time there are no dues required - we ask only that your statewide group supports our objectives and wishes to participate. 

Please copy this information to your group's board members.    These pages are also available on the website and can be printed out for others.   If you know of state councils that we have missed in the listings on the web site please fax or mail this information to them so they might join and attend as well. And please send their names, websites, and address information back to us so we can expand our listings.  We will list all such groups whether members of NASEA or not.

This meeting will begin with reports from the state councils.   The agenda includes reports from the officers, a review of NASEA's initial efforts (primarily getting organized and obtaining our 501 C 3 tax exempt status), discussion and changes of the bylaws if warranted, election of directors, and any other business that may properly be addressed in an annual meeting.  Immediately following the membership meeting we will have a short formal open board meeting to take care of any new or ongoing business, including election of officers and appointment of committee members.

We are always interested in volunteers who might serve as Directors, Officers, or members of Committees.  Should you be so interested you may submit your nomination per the bylaws found on our website if you want information circulated to the membership, or at the meeting itself, if the following is observed:

"Any Member may also nominate any person for consideration for election at the annual meeting prior to the close of nominations at that meeting if evidence is presented indicating that the nominee is willing, able, and qualified to serve if elected. "

Room assignment for our meeting will be made by the NCASE staff and published in their event notices onsite.  For information about NCASE itself please visit the Civil Air Patrol website at http://www.capnhq.gov and read all the notices and transportation information for NCASE. (Note that the CAP website is occasionally not available because of a server problem.  If so, try again later.)

We chose this location because NCASE is the preeminent showcase and mutual learning event for those groups and individuals involved in aviation and space education.  We know many of you plan to be there anyway, so hope you find it convenient to attend our meeting.  And for those who have never been to NCASE we are absolutely certain you will have an extremely valuable and enjoyable experience.

Thanks for your interest and participation!  We hope to see you at this meeting and at other aviation and space education events in the near future.

Cordially yours,

        Joe Murtari and Rol Murrow
1999-00 President and Chairman

IMPORTANT NOTE:  RSVP - Please send us a message via email to mail@nasea.org confirming your attendance at the meeting.  This will help us plan.   If you have questions send email or call 860 429-2972.      Our Home Page is available at    www.nasea.org