NASEA.ORG ARCHIVES SITE! Welcome to the National Aviation and Space Education Alliance! We were formed to enhance the work of state aviation and space education councils and related organizations by improving communications among them and by developing mutual support programs. NOTE: Most of us have now moved on to concentrate our aerospace education efforts with and through the National Coalition for Aviation and Space Education, or NCASE. You will find a wealth of resources at NCASE, especially by using the NCASE GUIDE, which lists almost all the major organizations and agencies involved in aviation and space education, and which provides a portal to learn about their resources as well as complete contact information for each. Visit NCASE at:
This NASEA site is now maintained as an archive of the information available through it. We will be updating the site periodically to refresh the information. NASEA and this web site WWW.NASEA.ORG
have History and GoalsRead about our background, general objectives, and hopes for the future. ProgramsNASEA is involved in a number of exciting initiatives - read about them here. ResourcesThis site is a gateway to resources and information available on and off the World Wide Web. Find out who is working in aviation and space education, which sites can lead you on to many rich discoveries on the web, and what groups work in the states to organize individuals, organizations, and agencies in collaborative effort. NavigationUse our Index to see how these pages interrelate. NewsNew website for National Coalition for Aviation Education: www.aviationeducation.org - includes a comprehensive NCAE Guide to resources available from more than 50 national and educational groups! Also see the file library in the Member Organizations section for important documents and guides regarding aviation and space education. New website for Arizona Aviation Education Council: www.aviationeducation.net Our News page describes coming events and the latest changes to our web site. You can also let us know if you wish to be informed of new issues and resources. Also: for those who like to read straight through the pages in order:
Contact Information
Advisory Board